FIA – Fire Industry Association
Trusted Insurance Partner to the Fire Industry Association (FIA)
During the development of PaD, Consort have forged several positive relationships with various credible Fire Industry associations, membership bodies and stakeholders, including forming a firm relationship with The Fire Industry Association who are well respected in the fire industry as ambassadors for improving and supporting the fire industry and those who operate within it.
In April 2021, Consort were nominated to become the Trusted Insurance Partner to the FIA. This came about due to our involvement in wider workshop groups tasked with tackling some of the broader issues in the fire sector outside of insurance.

Consort Insurance develop regular CPD (Continuing Professional Development) webinar presentations, some of which are hosted by the ASFP. An example being: ‘Building a Professional Indemnity Programme In Today’s Market’.
Our current CPD is entitled: ‘Efficacy cover – why it’s crucial for your insurance programme‘ and is scheduled for Thursday 30th November at 1:00pm. If you would like to attend, please use the form below or contact and we will send you the registration link. If you are unable to manage this date, please feel free to ask us about our next CPD.
Consort had a great time at the FIA AGM in London on November 10th. It was a great opportunity to hear from industry experts and to network with like minded individuals striving to improve the fire industry. We look forward to attending the FIA’s FIM Expos next year.
If you would like to meet with us before or during any of these events, please feel free to get in touch.